We want to help you get the most out of FormSprint. That's why we've
put together this email newsletter. We hope you will find the
information it contains useful. Furthermore, if there is some topic you
would like to see us cover, please let us know. And if you have a tip
or cool application of your own, we would like to hear about it so we
can share it with our other users.
Using the Search and Replace Function
FormSprint contains a number of functions to handle just about any
situation. The first one I want to visit is the Search and Replace
function: FN(SR).This function searches for a character string
and if found, replaces it with another character string of equal or
unequal length. So, for example, we could search for the word "TOTAL"
and if found, replace it with "INVOICE TOTAL": FN(SR,"TOTAL","INVOICE TOTAL"). However, to keep everything lined up properly, we might want to keep our replacement of equal length: FN(SR," TOTAL", "INVOICE TOTAL").
The replacement value could have no length at all, resulting in the
removal of the search characters. Spaces are OK too, meaning you can
search for them or replace with them. One of the really cool tricks is
to search for a value and then replace with a call to a macro. Let's
look at the TOTAL example again: FN(SR,"TOTAL","&%M1 ").
In this example, we have replaced the word TOTAL with a call to macro 1
which could be a box, some text, and maybe an underline. The macro
would print exactly where the text would have printed. And, because the
macro can be defined with negative coordinate values (-2 from the Top,
for example) the macro can be "pulled up and around" the data.
Introducing FormSprintCV
Recently ICS introduced FormSprintCV, an optional module to handle
conversion of FormSprint forms to PDF or TIFF format with color
support. FormSprintCV also facilitates form design and modifications by
providing the capability to view both the forms as well as the form
with merged data. Five-user license is $1,250 plus $100 for support.
Demonstration software is available. |
Performance Tip: Log Jam
 Often if a user calls with a problem involving the batch job
controller, we will ask them to turn on job logging for the FormSprint
batch job so there is some feedback that will help in diagnosing the
problem. This should be done only temporarily until the issue is
resolved. When job logging is turned on for a FormSprint batch job, a
job log will be written to QEZJOBLOG whenever the batch job is ended.
If that is an extended period of time the job log for each batch job
could be quite large. Furthermore, each batch job must finish writing
the job log to QEZJOBLOG before the next batch job can end. The result
is large and probably unneccessary job logs in QEZJOBLOG and a
FormSprint subsystem that takes a long time to end. Use this command to
turn logging on: CHGJOBD JOBD(ICSSYS/FMSTJD) LOG(4 10 *SECLVL) LOGCLPGM(*YES) Use this command to turn logging off: CHGJOBD JOBD(ICSSYS/FMSTJD) LOG(0 0 *NOLIST) LOGCLPGM(*NO)
is also a good idea to clean old spool files out of the FormSprint
virtual queues. The current FormSprint release allows a holding queue
to be defined for batch jobs where the Keep or Delete field is set to
K. Once FormSprint processes a spool file it will automatically move it
to the holding queue. That improves performance because FormSprint
isn't having to read through a bunch of spool files each time it
processes something and it also indicates the file was processed
without any problems. FormSprint won't process the file if it
encounters problems. It will put the spool file on hold and leave it in
the virtual queue. Even a holding queue should be cleaned out from time
to time to avoid spool file lock contention.
turn off FormSprint batch job logging when it isn't needed, use holding
queues and periodically clean them out, eat your vegetables and look
both ways before you cross the street. |
Seeing Is Believing
We now have the capability to show you our
PC screen and view yours, even take control of your PC if you allow us
to, all through the Internet. This makes it hugely easier and faster to
solve your problem when you call in for tech support. It only takes a
minute to set up the connection and no download is required. No Web
cams, though. We wouldn't want to shock anybody. Looking for specifics on how to handle a formatting problem with FormSprint? You can download actual FormSprint Spool Mapper code that you can plug right in to your form. Click Here Some
of our users have asked if FormSprint is compatible with V5R4. The
answer is yes. Move up without worrying about the impact on FormSprint.
We hope you've found something useful here and please forward this to other System i users you think might benefit from FormSprint. We're always on the lookout for new customers.
Betsy Andrews
Integrated Custom Software, Inc.
From the Help Desk
My greatest satisfaction as head of ICS support comes from helping our users solve their document problems with FormSprint. Quite often people are surprised with what FormSprint can do. "I didn't know FormSprint could do that!" is something I hear frequently. I realize our users are busy folk and don't have time to become experts in every software package they use, but it is my hope that through this news letter I can provide you with an awareness of FormSprint's capabilities beyond what you may already be using. Instead of saying, "I didn't know FormSprint could do that" I want you to say, "I bet FormSprint can do that. "